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High Court dismisses last ditch appeal by rogue lender 

Consumer advocates have welcomed the dismissal by the High Court of a special leave application by Cigno Pty Ltd (Cigno) and BHF Solutions Pty Ltd (BHFS) against the Full Federal Court’s finding in enforcement proceedings brought by the corporate regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Cigno and BHFS…

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Buy Now Pay Later Regulation Must Go All The Way

Buy now pay later (BNPL) products must be fully regulated as credit to protect consumers and put all credit providers on a level playing field, a coalition of consumer groups has said. The group, including CHOICE, financial counselling associations and consumer legal centres, has made the call as Treasury releases…

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Let’s pass the Finance Sector Reform Bill: The Stop the Debt Alliance strongly endorses Senate committee recommendation

The Stop the Debt Trap Alliance, a coalition of dozens of consume advocacy organisations from around Australia, including financial experts, community advocates and service providers has strongly endorsed a recommendation from the Senate Economics Legislation Committee that the Finance Sector Reform Bill 2022 (FSR Bill) be passed and called on…

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