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Financial counselling sector applauds launch of industry funding model for financial counselling

Financial Counselling Australia is delighted with today’s Government announcement about the establishment of an independent body to accept contributions from industry to fund financial counselling services. FCA CEO Fiona Guthrie said the announcement was momentous for the financial counselling sector, coming after years of advocacy. It is an important recognition…

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FCA welcomes new Board members, farewells others 

The Board of Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) is delighted to announce the appointment of two new board members, Delia Rickard and Carly Baker. The Board also acknowledges and thanks Greg Tanzer and Lyndall Millburn, who are leaving the Board after seven and three years of service respectively. New Board Members…

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Latest extension of Youpla Interim Scheme must pave way for culturally appropriate scheme covering Centrepay victims

First Nations consumer advocates from the Save Sorry Business Coalition have greeted the announcement that the Federal Government will extend its Interim Youpla Scheme with a renewed call for the urgent establishment of a fair and culturally appropriate resolution for First Nations people. Advocates recognise that this extension of the…

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New study shows alarming rates of gambling-related suicide

Findings spark urgent call for government action Federal and State Governments must introduce significant gambling harm reforms in the wake of new research that indicates a significant percentage of suicides across Australia are related to gambling. Suicide Prevention Australia, the Alliance for Gambling Reform and Financial Counselling Australia have come…

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