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‘A Day in the Life’ project invites federal politicians and senior decision makers in government and industry to spend time with a financial counsellor to gain a better understanding of the work they do.

The goal is to give leaders in our community a deeper understanding of what financial counsellors do, and the issues that people face when struggling with bills and debts. It also gives politicians an opportunity to connect with a local service that can help their constituents.

We organise client and agency consent so the politician can:

  • talk to a financial counselling client or listen to calls on the National Debt Helpline
  • talk to financial counsellors about their work and tour the agency to see the other support services available
  • ask questions and seek further information about the issues raised

The project commenced in June 2018 and has been very successful. Meetings have taken place throughout Australia and the feedback from politicians, regulators, industry leaders and agencies has been very positive.

The image gallery at the bottom of the page captures some of the experiences.

To organise a visit:

See who's spent 'a day in the life'

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