The financial counselling profession rests on the skills and knowledge of the dedicated people who fill these roles. This requires high quality entry level training through the CHC51115 Diploma of Financial Counselling and continues with ongoing professional development.
Diploma of Financial Counselling
We have recently updated the financial counselling units from the new CHC51115 Diploma of Financial Counselling. These updates reflect changes in the law and financial counselling practice, as well as an opportunity to improve presentation.
Online training
We have developed a number of online training modules and webinars on topics including bankruptcy, debt collection, superannuation and working with clients with impaired capacity. They are accessed through an online learning management system and form a knowledge bank for our sector. Online education also gives workers in rural and remote areas easier access to training.
Tool to manage CPD points
It is the responsibility of each financial counsellor to keep a record of their Continuing Professional Development points. This record is needed to renew their membership of their state or territory association.
We’ve developed a tool to help financial counsellors record their points, through the FCA Toolkit. All financial counsellors who are members of an association are able to use the toolkit.
Annual conference
Financial Counselling Australia holds an annual conference to share ideas and enable financial counsellors to network and learn from each other. The conference runs over two days, with additional pre- and post-conference events which now spread across a week.
Attendees and speakers include financial counsellors, ombudsmen, regulators, politicians and industry partners.