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Consumer advocates welcome recommendation for stricter controls of credit funded gambling online

  Financial Counselling Australia (FCA), Financial Rights Legal Centre and the Consumer Action Law Centre welcome the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services’ recommendation for legislation to prohibit online gambling operators from accepting credit card funded deposits. Yesterday the Committee released its report, which recommended that gambling companies be…

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Thousands turn to free financial counselling during latest lockdowns

Thousands turn to free financial counselling during latest lockdowns Thousands of individuals and small business owners have sought help from the National Debt Helpline (NDH) and Small Business Debt Helpline (SBDH) as they struggle with financial issues during the current lockdowns. The two national not-for-profit organisations run free financial counselling…

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Financial counsellors welcome bank and gambling industry commitments to ban the use of credit cards for gambling. Government now needs to act.

Financial counsellors are delighted that common sense has prevailed, with the gambling industry announcing they will support a ban on the use of credit cards for gambling. The community would expect nothing less. The ball is now in the Government’s court, with the next step to introduce effective legislation, including…

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