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Jan Pentland scholarship winners and Jan Pentland Prize announced

  The 2020 Jan Pentland Scholarship winners were announced at a virtual “zoom” dinner this evening attended by hundreds of people across Australia and New Zealand. This year 21 people were awarded the highly sought-after scholarship, which helps people who are studying or intend to undertake study in financial counselling. “Financial counselling…

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FCA welcomes Federal Court’s Cigno decision

Financial Counselling Australia welcomes today’s court decision which dismissed the appeal by short-term lender Cigno and its associated company Gold-Silver Standard Finance against its banning. ASIC had used its new product intervention powers to ban Cigno and Gold Silver Standard because of the significant consumer detriment its products cause -…

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No impact on credit files during COVID-19 pandemic a welcome announcement by banks, say consumer advocacy groups

Consumer groups welcome the announcement by the Australian Banking Association that bank customers applying for payment deferrals as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic will not have a missed payment or hardship flag appear on their credit file. Importantly, this approach will apply across the board to all consumer debt, including mortgages,…

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If you’re worried about bills and debts, please ring us

As businesses shut down to stop the spread of Covid 19, and more and more people lose their jobs, financial counsellors want Australians to know that we’re here to help. Financial counsellors are qualified professionals who provide information, advice and advocacy to people in financial difficulty. Their services are free,…

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Small Business Bushfire Financial Counselling Support Line 1800 413 828

Is your small business suffering? Free financial counselling is available. We are here to help. Just call us. Financial Counselling Australia is excited to announce the launch of Australia’s first financial counselling service for small business. The Small Business Bushfire Financial Counselling Support Line (1800 413 828) and website (…

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FCA welcomes NAB’s self-serve gambling restriction in app

Financial Counselling Australia welcomes NAB’s announcement that it has become the first Australian bank to allow customers to block gambling transactions through their banking app. “We congratulate NAB on this move, which makes it much easier for their customers to control their gambling. Gambling has a lot of stigma and…

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FCA welcomes $10 million package for financial counsellors

Financial Counselling Australia welcomes today’s announcement from the Federal Government of $10 million to expand financial counselling services as part of an extra $50 million bushfire assistance package. Financial counselling is a vital response to natural disasters in the immediate and longer term. The sooner people get support, the quicker…

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