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Rank the Banks Survey Shows Improvements Across the Board

1st April 2015 - The latest survey of financial counsellors assessing how well banks are dealing with customers in financial hardship, Rank the Banks, has seen improvements across-the-board. The improvements were evident for the big four banks, the smaller banks and GE. “We are really encouraged by the survey results,”…

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Rural Financial Counselling Funding Continues

25th February 2015 - Financial Counselling Australia welcomes today's announcment by the Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce that funding for the Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) will continue at current levels. A review of the RFCS had recommended an across-the-board reduction in funding of 20%. Recognising the continuing drought and…

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FCA Releases 2013-14 Annual Report

27th January 2015 - Financial Counselling Australia has today released its 2013-14 Annual Report. FCA’s Chair, Carmel Franklin, notes that just one issue dominated the year: funding. As we began the year, it was very uncertain as to whether the Government would continue the Commonwealth Financial Counselling Program. We were…

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Queensland Political Parties Urged to Fund Financial Counselling

12/01/2015 12th January 2015 - The Financial Counsellors Association of Queensland has today called on all political parties to commit to funding a dedicated financial counselling program in Queensland. Queensland is the only State or Territory in Australia that does not fund a financial counselling program. Financial counsellors, who work in…

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Financial Counsellors Welcome Consumer Guide on Debt Collection

16th December 2014 - Financial Counselling Australia has welcomed ‘Dealing with debt collectors: Your rights and responsibilities', released by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission last week. The overwhelming majority of consumers want to pay their debts, but unfortunately some people, often due to a…

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Community Agencies Welcome AGL Commitment

15 December 2014 - Community organisations today have welcomed AGL Energy Limited’s (AGL) $6m commitment to provide greater support for vulnerable energy customers. Brotherhood of St Laurence, Financial Counselling Australia, Kildonan UnitingCare, Queensland Council of Social Service, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, South Australia Council of Social Service and St Vincent…

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Congratulations to Financial Counselling Winners in MoneySmart Week Awards

9th September 2014 - Financial Counselling Australia congratulates the financial counsellors who received awards as part of MoneySmart Week. The Salvation Army’s MoneyCare financial counselling service in Newcastle received the highest honour in the community category, with an outstanding achievement award. Their You’re the Boss program, set up by financial counsellor Kirsten Harnett, is a…

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