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Newman Government asked to Fund Financial Counselling

13th June 2013 - Financial Counselling Australia has today written to the Premier of Queensland, Campbell Newman, expressing disappointment that last week’s budget did not include funding for financial counselling.  The letter calls on the Queensland Government to fund a dedicated financial counselling program. Queensland is now the only State and…

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Financial counselling groups welcome banks’ new hardship package

Financial Counselling Australia, the Consumer Action Law Centre and the Consumer Credit Legal Centre have welcomed a new hardship package released by the Australian Bankers Association (ABA) today. The package demonstrates a real commitment by the industry to improve hardship policies and practices and we appreciate the genuine consultation involved…

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Financial Counsellors Rank the Banks

22nd May 2013 - State and Territory financial counselling associations from around Australia have today launched the first national “Rank the Banks” survey. The survey asked financial counsellors – who provide information,  support and advocacy to people experiencing financial difficulty – to rate how well each of the ‘big four’ banks,…

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FCA Conference Puts Spotlights on Economic Abuse

22 May 2013 -  Recognising and responding to economic abuse is one of the focus sessions at the annual Financial Counselling Australia conference, taking place this week in Sydney. The presenters, Sue Fraser from Kildonan Uniting Care and Tanya Corrie from Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service, will draw on a significant…

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Good News in South Australia

Last week’s  South Australian budget  is good news for people in that State struggling with credit and debt issues. The budget includes $1 million per annum for additional financial counsellors and $400,000 per annum for a specialist consumer credit legal service for the next four years. Financial counsellors – who…

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Financial Counsellors Celebrate Professional Milestone

1st March 2013 - Financial counsellors around Australia are today celebrating a major leap forward for the profession: legal protection of the terms “financial counsellor” and “financial counselling”. Financial counsellors work in community organisations and assist people in financial difficulty to get back on track. Funded by government, the services…

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Banking Code Welcomed by Financial Counsellors

31st January 2013 - Financial counsellors have welcomed today’s release of a revised Code of Banking Practice. Banks obviously already have to comply with a number of  laws – credit laws, privacy laws, fair trading laws – to name a few. The strength of a Code of Practice is that…

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Centrepay Review Welcomed

22nd November, 2012 -   Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) has welcomed the announcement by the Federal Minister for Human Services, Senator Kim Carr, of an independent review into Centrepay. “Centrepay was set up to help Centrelink recipients budget for essential costs, such as rent and utilities,” said Fiona Guthrie, Executive Director of…

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FCA Annual Report Released

19th November 2012 -  Dear Stakeholders I am delighted to release the Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) Annual Report 2012, containing information about our activities, highlights during the year and our challenges in the future. Distributing our Annual Report is timely, given the release in late October of the PwC-CSI Community…

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Fee-Free ATMs to Help Remote Indigenous Consumers

12th November 2012 - Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) welcomes the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s decision to authorise an initiative from the banking industry that will lead to fee-free ATMs in a number of remote Indigenous communities. “This is a huge step forward in reducing the financial disadvantage suffered by people…

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