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Financial Counselling Key to Tackling Domestic Violence

Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service (WDVCS) is calling on the Federal Government to continue its funding of financial counsellors as part of an integrated response to tackling domestic violence. WDVCS CEO Annette Gillespie said many clients had experienced economic abuse alongside other abusive tactics including intimidation, threats to kill, emotional…

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Website Audit Demonstrates Importance of Financial Counselling

31st March 2014 -  Financial Counselling Australia has today released its report “Click Here: Who is Referring to Financial Counselling Services?” All of the major banks, a number of major government departments, finance industry peak bodies and dispute resolution schemes include information on their websites explaining how people can access financial…

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FCA Welcomes Consultation on Consumer Leases

26th February 2014 - Financial Counselling Australia has welcomed today’s announcement by the Assistant Treasurer, Senator Sinodinos about options to address problems with short-term leases of less than four months and indefinite leases with no fixed end date. Currently these leases are not regulated by the national credit laws. As…

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Advocates object to new fee for entering bankruptcy

12th February 2014 -  A coalition of consumer advocates and financial counselling agencies has expressed dismay at a plan to charge Australians filing for bankruptcy. The Australian Financial Security Authority (ASFA) has proposed to impose a new fee of $120 from 1 April 2014. Financial Counselling Australia, Consumer Action Law Centre,…

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Pre-Budget Submission Calls for Ongoing Funding for Financial Counselling

3rd February 2014 - Financial Counselling Australia’s pre-budget submission calls for the ongoing funding of Commonwealth-funded financial counselling services. The Federal Government currently invests around $20 million per annum into financial counselling services. All of this funding expires at 30th June 2014. The financial counselling sector is uncertain about the…

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