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Legal protection for the term “financial counsellor” – An historic win

27th August, 2012 - Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) welcomes the passage of Section 160C of the Consumer Credit and Corporations Legislation Amendment (Enhancements) Bill 2011, by the Federal Parliament earlier this month. This section restricts the use of the terms “financial counsellor” and “financial counselling” to organisations that provide financial counselling services as…

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Boost to Centrelink call centre staff a welcome relief

6th August 2012 - Financial Counselling Australia and the National Welfare Rights Network have both welcomed the federal government’s announcement of a boost in staff numbers for the Centrelink call centre. With some welfare recipients currently remaining on hold for up to 90 minutes, both organisations describe the boost as…

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Free ATMs good news for remote ATSI communiites

25th May 2012: Financial counsellors and money management workers have welcomed today’s announcement from the banking industry and private ATM providers that should ultimately see ATM fees abolished in a number of remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The announcement follows a report by FCA* in December 2010, that…

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Launch of ATSI ‘Do Not Knock’ sticker by Minister Shorten

15th May 2012: Minister for Financial Services, the Hon. Bill Shorten MP, has helped Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) and CentaCare Wilcannia-Forbes launch a new front in the Do Not Knock campaign aimed at reducing harmful door-to-door sales practices in Indigenous communities. Minster Shorten launched the project, which includes a new…

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Free calls for mobile phone users

24th April 2012: Financial counsellors today welcomed news that the cost of ringing 1800 and 13 phone numbers from mobiles will finally be the same as those from a landline. The campaign for "Fair Calls for All" was led by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), ACOSS and FCA.…

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Formation of Financial Counsellors ACT is a milestone

1st March 2012: The financial counselling sector has warmly welcomed the formation of a new incorporated financial counselling association:  Financial Counsellors ACT. The formation of Financial Counsellors ACT represents a huge leap forward for the profession.  There are now incorporated financial counselling bodies in every State and Territory in Australia…

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