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Financial Counsellors join national call to Raise the Rate of JobSeeker for Good


All of the State and Territory financial counselling associations,[1] together with Financial Counselling Australia, have joined the National Day of Action to Raise the Rate of the JobSeeker payment for good. The campaign has been coordinated by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS).

Financial counsellors across the country support a permanent increase to JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and other income support payments.

Financial counsellors see first-hand the harsh economic impact of COVID-19 on people in Australia. They are skilled professionals who provide FREE, independent and confidential advice for people in financial hardship. They are not planners or advisers. They don’t provide investment advice or earn commissions.

“With such high unemployment and economic uncertainty, the Federal Government must ensure that people are given enough money to live on. Going back to the old Newstart payment of just $40 a day is simply cruel,” said the CEO of Financial Counselling Australia, Fiona Guthrie.

There is currently only one job vacancy available for every 13 people on JobSeeker or Youth Allowance.

“Our financial counsellors are helping a whole new group of recently unemployed who’ve never been jobless before. If the JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments are reduced, many will end up living at or below the poverty line.”

“This is not the sort of Australia we want,” Ms Guthrie said.

“We urge anyone in financial stress to contact a financial counsellor. They can speak with one by calling the National Debt Helpline (NDH) on 1800 007 007 or find their closest face to face service by going to,” Ms Guthrie said.

Media contact: Fiona Guthrie, 0402 426 835


[1] Financial Counsellors Association of Tasmania, Financial Counselling Victoria, Financial Counsellors ACT, Financial Counsellors Association of New South Wales, Financial Counsellors Association of Queensland, Financial Counsellors Association of Western Australia, South Australian Financial Counsellors Association.

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