Strengthening Penalties for Corporate and Financial Sector Misconduct
Submission to: Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Related Projects
Social Services Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Income Support) Bill 2021 March 2021
Submission to: Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs
This is the financial counselling sector submission in response to the proposed increase in the rate of JobSeeker. The Government’s increase to income support payments in March 2020 lifted hundreds of thousands of Australians out of poverty. One result was a sharp decline in people seeking the support of financial counsellors. This Bill will reverse much of the progress that Australia has made to alleviate poverty, returning thousands of Australians to instead living below the poverty line. These people will struggle to stay afloat in an economy that doesn’t have enough jobs for the number of people out of work. We urge the Parliament to permanently increase income support payments, including JobSeeker and Youth Allowance. We stand with the Australian Council of Social Service in calling for a permanent increase to lift payments to at least $65 per day.
This is the financial counselling sector submission in response to the proposed increase in the rate of JobSeeker. The Government’s increase to income support payments in March 2020 lifted hundreds of thousands of Australians out of poverty. One result was a sharp decline in people seeking the support of financial counsellors. This Bill will reverse much of the progress that Australia has made to alleviate poverty, returning thousands of Australians to instead living below the poverty line. These people will struggle to stay afloat in an economy that doesn’t have enough jobs for the number of people out of work. We urge the Parliament to permanently increase income support payments, including JobSeeker and Youth Allowance. We stand with the Australian Council of Social Service in calling for a permanent increase to lift payments to at least $65 per day.
Compensation Scheme of Last Resort and Financial Accountability Regime
Submission to: Senate Economics Legislation Committee
Joint consumer group submission (led by CHOICE) on the CLSR and FAR. The submission again makes the argument that the scope of the CSLR needs to be expanded to include all financial products that fall under the jurisdiction of AFCA, including funeral expenses policies and managed investment schemes as well as all court and tribunal decisions. The compensation cap for the scheme should be at the same level as AFCA. The FAR needs to extend to executives and senior managers, there must be meaningful consequences for people who break the law, all variable remuneration should be subject to clawback not just a portion and there should be a requirement for executives and senior managers to treat customers fairly.
Joint consumer group submission (led by CHOICE) on the CLSR and FAR. The submission again makes the argument that the scope of the CSLR needs to be expanded to include all financial products that fall under the jurisdiction of AFCA, including funeral expenses policies and managed investment schemes as well as all court and tribunal decisions. The compensation cap for the scheme should be at the same level as AFCA. The FAR needs to extend to executives and senior managers, there must be meaningful consequences for people who break the law, all variable remuneration should be subject to clawback not just a portion and there should be a requirement for executives and senior managers to treat customers fairly.