National Standards for Membership and Accreditation
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Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence
Submission to: Submission to House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
This submission describes some of the systemic barriers facing women who are affected by family violence and makes recommendations to overcome them. These include the Centrelink couples rule and how this can allow one partner to control another and the financial harm visited on women and children when child support is collected through a private arrangement but the other parent pays less than promised. There is a need for Family Support Package funding so women can leave DFV relationships and re-establish and adequate access to legal advice and representation in family law matters. The submission also recommends funding for 50 specialist family violence financial counsellors so that every State and Territory has equitable access to this service.
This submission describes some of the systemic barriers facing women who are affected by family violence and makes recommendations to overcome them. These include the Centrelink couples rule and how this can allow one partner to control another and the financial harm visited on women and children when child support is collected through a private arrangement but the other parent pays less than promised. There is a need for Family Support Package funding so women can leave DFV relationships and re-establish and adequate access to legal advice and representation in family law matters. The submission also recommends funding for 50 specialist family violence financial counsellors so that every State and Territory has equitable access to this service.