FCA Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Economics on the Inquiry into Matters Relating to Credit Card Interest Rates
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Review of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (Version 2.1)
Submission to: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Joint consumer submission (led by Financial Rights Legal Centre) contains numerous recommendations to improve the current code. As currently drafted it is impenetrable and needs to be rewritten in simpler and clearer language. We recommend that it be broken up into principles-based consumer provisions and technical industry-facing provisions. There is so much wrong with the Code, that it is difficult to summarise the over 40 recommendations. They cover statute barred debt, family violence, the code oversight body, better timeframes, free credit reports, improving the corrections process and the perverse situation where shopping around for a credit product adversely affects a credit report.
Joint consumer submission (led by Financial Rights Legal Centre) contains numerous recommendations to improve the current code. As currently drafted it is impenetrable and needs to be rewritten in simpler and clearer language. We recommend that it be broken up into principles-based consumer provisions and technical industry-facing provisions. There is so much wrong with the Code, that it is difficult to summarise the over 40 recommendations. They cover statute barred debt, family violence, the code oversight body, better timeframes, free credit reports, improving the corrections process and the perverse situation where shopping around for a credit product adversely affects a credit report.
Consumer Safeguards Review Part C: Choice and Fairness
Submission to: Department of Communications
We support proposals 1, 2 and 3 of the paper for reform of the telecommunications industry. This needs to include comprehensive, mandatory and enforceable rules with improved effectiveness. We call on the Government to acknowledge that telecommunications are an essential service in the rules.
We support proposals 1, 2 and 3 of the paper for reform of the telecommunications industry. This needs to include comprehensive, mandatory and enforceable rules with improved effectiveness. We call on the Government to acknowledge that telecommunications are an essential service in the rules.