Joint financial counselling sector submission responding to five focus areas: giving the community sector the respect it deserves, providing grants that reflect the real cost of service delivery, providing longer grant agreements, ensuring grants flow to a wider diversity of organisations and partnering with trusted community organisations with strong local links. Our sector very much welcomes this discussion paper and the potential for re-setting the relationship between government and the community sector.
DSS - Submission Stronger Comm SectorA Stronger, More Diverse and Independent Community Sector
Submission to: Department of Social Services
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Financial Accountability Regime
Submission to: Treasury
Joint consumer group submission (led by CHOICE) on the Financial Accountability Regime Bill 2021. As drafted, the law will not work to hold finance executives to account. The Bill needs to be strengthened to: expand the scope to senior managers, reinstate civil penalties for breaches (which was the Government’s original intention), bolster the deferred remuneration obligations so that all variable rem could be clawed back and impose an obligation on executives and senior managers to treat customers fairly.
Joint consumer group submission (led by CHOICE) on the Financial Accountability Regime Bill 2021. As drafted, the law will not work to hold finance executives to account. The Bill needs to be strengthened to: expand the scope to senior managers, reinstate civil penalties for breaches (which was the Government’s original intention), bolster the deferred remuneration obligations so that all variable rem could be clawed back and impose an obligation on executives and senior managers to treat customers fairly.
Pre-Budget Submission Calls for Ongoing Funding for Financial Counselling
Submission to: The Treasury Department
A pre budget submission calling for continued funding for financial counselling.
A pre budget submission calling for continued funding for financial counselling.