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Finally, gambling credit ban passes Parliament

Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) welcomes amendments to the Interactive Gambling Bill (IGA) that passed through Parliament yesterday. "The online wagering companies will no longer be able to give people credit to gamble online. This was getting people into so much trouble" said Lauren Levin, Director Campaigns and Policy, FCA. "We're…

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FCA Congratulates CEO Fiona Guthrie

A quote attributed to Chinese philosopher Lau Tzu say "a leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves." This quote is apt to describe Fiona Guthrie's role in the consumer movement over 25 years.…

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CBA Commits $900,000 to Support Financial Counselling

Commonwealth Bank has joined forces with Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) to enhance the skills of financial counsellors in identifying and understanding the impact of economic abuse in domestic and family violence. FCA announced this week at its national conference that Commonwealth Bank will provide $400,000 to train financial counsellors across…

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Progress on Banking Code, but missed opportunities too

Joint media release from Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre and Financial Counselling Australia. The Australian Banker's Association (ABA) response to the Independent Review of the Code of Banking (Khoury Review) is a positive start, but consumer advocates say there are some missed opportunities for the banking industry.…

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Financial Counsellors Welcome “Better Banking” … but Where’s the Funding for Financial Counselling?

Financial counsellors welcome today’s commitment by the banking industry to better banking (, including making financial hardship support programs more accessible and setting up a debt repayment service. But the big question remains: why is there still no funding for financial counselling? Most of the clients seen by financial counsellors have debts…

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Financial Counselling Australia Announces New Board

Financial Counselling Australia is delighted to announce the membership of its inaugural Board under its new constitution. The Board comprises four financial counselling directors and three appointed, external directors. The four financial counselling directors are: Carmel Franklin (Chair), Kay Dilger, John Harte and Rosalyn Williams. The three appointed directors are:…

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Veda to refund consumers after breaching privacy rules

Joint media release from FCA, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Consumer Action and the Australian Privacy Foundation. Veda Advantage Information Services and Solutions Ltd (Veda) is being forced to refund thousands of consumers who paid to obtain credit reports under Veda’s expedited delivery deal, according to a decision handed down today…

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